Max the Missing Cat that Took Himself on His Own Little Holiday

If you're going on holiday then I will too!
Everyone knows that cats largely do as they please and none more so than Max's owners who received the news only a few days into their Australian trip that their 16 year old cat, Max was missing.
Max had come into their lives 18 months previously when a friend had asked whether they would temporarily care for this old cat that they had found on the pavement, close to death. As an owner couldn't be found as he wasn't microchipped, he was most likely going to be euthanased. Max's owner's had recently lost a cat to old age and weren't sure if they were ready to allow another cat into their lives. However, not one to turn away an animal in need, they took him in with the proviso that they would care for him but couldn't promise to love him.
Famous last words of many animal lovers! Within weeks, he had won them over with his sweet nature and stoic attitude and was soon looking like a proper cat and a handsome one at that. They named him Maximus after the character in Gladiator.
Max was very much a home boy and never wondered further than the garden so when the person looking after him called to say that they couldn't find him in the house, his owners knew something was wrong. They immediately contacted us and after informing all the necessary organisations including the microchipping company, Cats Protection, RSPCA, local council and his vet, we started fliering and postering in the immediate area. On the whole, cats don't tend to wonder off too far so as we had been instructed early, we concentrated our efforts locally.
The day after the posters went up, Max's owners received a call from a couple who said that they had seen the posters and that Max was with them and that he was their cat who had gone missing 18 months ago. They had assumed that he was no longer alive and that he had been attacked by a fox as he was a bit of a fighter.
Of course, Max's new owners were delighted that he had been found but were now worried that his old owners would want to keep him. Max was on various medication and so they agreed that the old owners would look after him until the new owners returned from their holiday and then sit down and chat about Max's future.
It was an unsettling time but when the meeting came, the new owners were overjoyed to hear that the old owners were happy for Max to go back to them as they had clearly looked after him and loved him very much. Also, the young sons whom Max or as he was previously known 'Batman' had been bought for together with 'Robin' (what else!) were now grown up and no longer that interested in the cats.
It was agreed that the old owners could visit any time they liked. Despite the stress caused by his wanderings, overall, it was a positive experience as the old owners found out exactly what had happened to Batman and Max's owners found out about his history and crime fighting days.
Sadly, Max passed away in April this year but left behind a loyal Facebook following of over 1,000 fans who between them donated over £1,000 to Cats Protection. He was a very special cat who won over the hearts of all those who met him. His little adventure was also a reminder of how clever animals are and how fortunate we are to be part of their lives.