The Story about three Missing Cat in Surrey

Three cats missing within a month but where have they gone?
Lulu now recovered and back home with her owners.
Our investigation into her disappearance enabled us to piece together what she had been up to and how she had coped without regular food and water. However, we did not discover where she had been hiding during the day which is one of the most difficult aspects of recovering missing cats because they have the infuriating ability to conceal themselves in the most unusual of places. I have previously found a cat living under a rabbit hutch, inside an old tractor and in the back of a dumped sofa.
However, we have recently encountered three very similar incidents which have left their owners struggling to understand what has become of their missing cats. At this stage we do not think the three incidents are linked but there are some striking similarities to the cases that suggest they may all have gone missing for the same reason.
We think that you may be able to help us recover them.
The first cat to disappear was Slyvester
Where is Slyvester?
Slyvester is a sleek, Somalian tom cat who has not been seen since 12.30pm on Thursday 17 September. Slyvester was last seen ambling along Wellesley Road in Rushmoor, Farnham, heading off for his morning hunting trip in a neighbour’s garden. However, on this occasion he never returned and hasn’t been seen since. Not a whisker.
The second cat to disappear was Stampy
Where is Stampy?
Stampy is a handsome, Ginger, Persian cross breed who was last seen at 8pm Saturday 3 October – the night Australia beat England in the Rugby world cup – not that we think the events are linked of course. Just like Slyvester, Stampy had his daily routine and was last seen strolling out of his back garden in Kettlewell Hill, Woking and also, just like Slyvester, did not return and no-one can ever recall seeing him after this time.
Finally, the third cat to disappear was Aslan
Where is Aslan?
Aslan is a majestic, Maine Coon tom who lives with his owner in Lindfield Gardens, Guildford. Aslan was last seen by his owner around 8pm on Friday 23 October and just like Slyvester and Stampy, he hasn’t returned home.
The Extraordinary facts linking these disappearances are:
- All have disappeared without a single sighting (which is very unusual)
- All three cats are young neutered males (so they should not stray)
- All are confident but not aggressive (there is no history of fighting with other cats)
- All are very wary of strangers (which makes them very difficult to approach)
- They live with loving, caring owners
- There is a second cat in the house (In every case they get on really well with the second cat)
- They are microchipped and in good health
- All know their neighbourhoods really well and have established territories
- None of the three have gone missing before (completely against their character)
- None have previously stayed away from their owners for more than a few hours
We suspect that all three cats are still close to their homes and most probably being fed by a neighbour who is hoping – albeit unrealistically – that the beautiful cat they have become fond of is a stray.
We would like your help in circulating their images to everyone you know that lives in Surrey. I am certain that in each case several people will have seen them. They are far too striking not to be noticed. If you have any information whatsoever about any of these three missing cats then please get in touch with us.
The Pet Detectives