Fraud Investigations
We are Taking Action Against Fraudsters who Operate Bogus Dog and Cat Rescue Centres and Fake Animal Charities
Many of the thousands of animal charities and rescue centres in the UK are operated by unscrupulous, greedy people who use the plight of abandoned or sick animals as a means of funding their lavish lifestyles.
These heartless people constantly harass kind hearted animal lovers for donations claiming that the money they collect is to used to help the animals they have rescued but instead they spend the money on themselves often completely neglecting the animals in their care.
The police and Charity Commission are slow to respond to complaints against fake dog rescue centres and rougue animal cahrities thereby allowing these crooks to fleece tens of thousands of people out of their hard earned income and savings.
We have set up a specialist fraud unit to tackle this problem and collect information on every one of these bogus operators. However, we need your support in closing these people down. If you have any information them please contact us or if you would like to help fund an investigation please use the link to our sponsors page.
If you suspect that you or a friend have been the victim of this or any other type of animal related fraud then email us at [email protected] or call us on 01403 753463 and we will explain how we can help.
All calls are treated with the strictest confidence and we will never disclose your identity to another person.